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MASA 1993 – Abidjan Market for Performing Arts
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MASA 1993

MASA 1993

The first edition of the Market for African Performing Arts (MASA) was held in Abidjan from March 27 until April 1, 1993. More than 400 professionals attended this first ever carried out in Africa.

32 groups including 6 in dance, 16 of Music and 10 in theater coming from 14 countries: Bénin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Centrafrique, Comores, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinée, Madagascar, Mali, Sénégal, Togo and Zaïre were selected.

More than 200 national and international articles were dedicated to the event.

416 « buyers » came from Asia (Japan), Europe, America and Africa, from a total of 1 500 participants (Institution, Journalists, Producers, Officials).

The selection was made by ressource people selected by conseil Francophone de la chanson (CFC), Centre Africain de Liaison et de Documentation sur les Arts de Spectacles (CALDAS), by consultants, experts and the Bureau Régional de l’ACCT à Lomé (BRL).

 Members of International Committee of MASA

–  Abiade Adewusi, Union Nationale des artistes (Togo)

–  Mobjem Mikanza, CALDAS (Zaïre)

–  Jean-François Millier, M.A.R.S International (France)

–  Léonce Ngabo, CALDAS (Burundi)

–  Alain Paré, CINARS (Québec/ Canada)

–  Dominique Thiange, CFC (Belgique).


–  Jean-Pierre Bernay

–  Agnès Blot

–  Monique Blin

–  Sarah Carrère

–  Catherine Lassemblée

–  Léon

–  Christian Mousset

–  Moussa Sowié

Professional meetings

The Professional meetings were organized by the Conseil Francophone de la Chanson (CFC), with the assistance of the Commission Internationale pour le Théâtre Francophone (CITF). The following topics were discussed during the meetings:

1- Introducing international participants to professional who live in Africa.

2-facts about African francophone markets today and in the future

  • Distribution of performances in Africa: which one really works? (music/dance/Theater)
  • National, continental and international impacts (economics, artistic, cultural)
  • Financing distribution of African performances. (Private /institution/government).

3-African market and other markets.

  • International market and MASA
  • Result of studies by CINARS/M.A.R.S, 2 workshops : 1 music/2 theater/dance
  • Relationship between African and international producers / joint pan African and international productions
  • Facts about supply and demand / new markets today

Spreading infromation

  • Private/institution: what is done? What resources are used?
  • Media (newspaper and audiovisual) : media in Africa, broadcasting, media in western countries
  • meeting of professional of western countries and African countries

4- circulation of cultural goods and people within the francophonie : harmonization of legislative, regulatory and  et administrative framework.

5-Social status of the artists and copyrights organizations

Selected groups 


Agencedelafrancophonie ministere culture ci 93

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