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4th edition of Visa For Music, November 22-25, 2017 – Abidjan Market for Performing Arts
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4th edition of Visa For Music, November 22-25, 2017

The 4th edition of Visa For Music, the first professional market for music from Africa and the Middle East, was held from 22 to 25 November 2017 in Rabat, Morocco. The objective of this professional market is to overcome the lack of visibility of artists from Africa and the Middle East to the international by promoting their creations and encouraging their mobility, in order to develop the music scene of the region to the international. It represents a considerable platform for exchanges, as shown by the success of its 3rd edition in November 2016.
For the 2017 edition, about thirty artists or groups have been selected to present their creations to industry professionals from around the world.
The Abidjan Market  for Performing Arts (MASA) did not make a mistake, it hosted a booth that received many visitors (directors of institutions and festivals, artists …) and speed-meetings.

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