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9th edition of the MASA: groups selected for ‘’ABIDJAN VIS-A-VIS’’ – Abidjan Market for Performing Arts
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9th edition of the MASA: groups selected for ‘’ABIDJAN VIS-A-VIS’’

The list of groups selected for ‘’Abidjan vis-à-vis’’were released on Thursday March 10, 2016.
65 artists and groups in the categories of Hip-hop, Zouglou, Reggae, and traditional music sent their applications to participate to the project which was launched on January 22, 2016.
The promoters from Spain who belong to the organization called  ‘’Casa Africa’’ made a short list of 13 based on their performance during MASA Festival at St Jean de Cocody,  Parker place and Palais de la culture of Treichville.
Two groups, DJARABIKAN and SPYROW were finally selected for a tour in Spain in July 2016.


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