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Biennale CINARS 2020: call for nominations official programming – Abidjan Market for Performing Arts
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Biennale CINARS 2020: call for nominations official programming

Submit an application to present a showcase in the official programmingof the 19th CINARS Biennale (International Conference and Networking Organization for the Performing Arts) which will take placein Montreal from November 9 to 14, 2020.

For the first time since the creation of the conference and in order to better serve certain disciplines, we will only present for the 19thedition Theatre, Dance and Circus/Multi-Disciplinary Arts showcases in their ENTIRETY as part of the official programming. We will no longer present excerpts, except in Music for whichwe keep the 25-minute presentations.

The call is open to artists from all countries. Please note that note that applications must be sent earlier than usual, before OCTOBER 27, 2019, and that a non-refundable CA$125 processing fee will be charged for every submission.

•Learn more about the CINARS Biennaleby visiting CINARS’ website;

•Read the official programming policies;

•Fill out the application form.

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