Rules of Procedure
Article 1: The General Management of the Market for African Performing Arts of Abidjan (MASA) organizes a contest of visual arts denominated « Contest of poster MASA 2018 ».
Article 2: The objective of the competition is to provide the MASA with a poster for its 10th edition, which will take place from 10 to 17 March 2018.
Article 3: The competition is open to artists and communication agencies based in Africa. Candidates are encouraged to propose open works on the subject of African cultural development through the living arts: storytelling, dance, stand up comedy, music, theater…
Article 4: The work submitted to the competition must be original, of contemporary design and bear the logo of MASA. It may fall into one of the following techniques: Painting, Photography, Graphic-design … The work must be declined in two formats: portrait and landscape.
Article 5: Each candidate may submit one or two separate proposals.
Article 6: The competition will take place from 15 August to 15 October 2017. The work must be received by 15 October 2017 at the latest to the General management of MASA in the form of a 2MB electronic file accompanied by the candidate’s curriculum vitae via e-mail, at administration@masa.ci.
Article 7: The designation of the laureate will be made no later than 30 October 2017.
Article 8: The MASA 2018 Poster Contest is awarded a prize of CFAF 1,000,000 or its equivalent for an invitation to participate in the 10th edition of MASA.
Article 9: The awarded work becomes the Exclusive property of MASA, which may use it for any communication. For this purpose, the MASA is authorized to apply any necessary adaptations.
Article 10: The non-awarded works are at the disposal of their authors until the end of the 2018 edition.
Article 11: Participation in the competition implies the acceptance of this regulation.
The theme chosen for this edition is : Which Business models for the performing arts ? (Groups, concerts hall and festivals)