Revealed to the general public through the show « Africa got talent, » Les Perroquets de Bangui explain their participation in MASA 2018.
For a first participation in MASA, what do you think of this festival ?
It is for us a great openness and opportunity for us . This is an opportunity that will allow us to express ourselves on international platforms, television, the national press, etc. We will show our talent and value our culture, the name of the company Bangui Parrots. When we talk about the Central African Republic, some people wonder where this country is. MASA is a platform to make our country known to the world.
You presented the show » The public square » at the MASA 2018. What does this name answer to ?
The public square in Africa is a place where we meet all categories of people. There are madmen, beggars, ready-made people, and everyone clashes with words to mop our pains.
How is the show built ?
We have been inspired by the situation in Africa, in general, from independence to the present day. We ask ourselves: why dont African leaders have the same level of evolution, the same attitudes to master their continent with the means of technology as Western leaders have done? This is the central question. We Africans remain in unbelief. So who should rule our continents if we do not show ourselves ready enough to do so?
MASA is an arts market. What is the economic model advocated by Les Perroquets de Bangui ?
MASA is a root of the economy. It is a way to develop the country’s economy. For us, there must first be a real peace in our continent, before talking business. That’s why, in our show, we say some truths. In our opinion, if words often hurt, sometimes push for crime, only words can preach peace in Africa. Through what we say, we are raising awareness and educating our continent.