Speed meetings was introduced during MASA 2016 and organized on Thursday, March 10, 2016 in room Jean-Marie Adiaffi of Palais de la Culture.
According to Koné Dodo (member of the organization committee of MASA), «this concept is already in use in almost all important Festivals ». Indeed, organizing exchanges between cultural actors and the public is at the heart of any Festival. Therefore the MASA has decided to implement this new concept during the 9th edition and the following ones.
For MASA 2016, creators holding artistic projects met with Directors of Festivals in order to sign contracts. «When we met, we talk about business up front», said Mr. Koné Dodo.
As a result, more than 300 artists had a close meeting with about tithteen professionnals.
This first try was a success that Mr. Mamou Daffé and his team will renew for the next editions.