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MASA puts the spotlight on women – Abidjan Market for Performing Arts
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MASA puts the spotlight on women

It has become an unavoidable appointment in the program of the Market of Performing Arts of Abidjan, MASA. The woman is once again magnified in all its fullness and its sense of creativity exalted and praised. If March 8 is traditionally celebrated the International Women’s Rights Day, at MASA, the small dishes were put in the big to show what is worth the creation of women.
As an event, MASA has positioned itself over the years as the revelation par excellence of female talent and gives space and visibility to women. In all disciplines, they show their know-how and inspire the younger generations. The storyteller Flopy Mendosa, who continues to rise, is a palpable example of the formidable platform that MASA constitutes. (Big) names of creation like Adrienne Koutouan, Djieka Légré, Nina Kipré (Compagie Tchétché), Dobet Gnahoré, Jahelle Bonee do not sulk in their pleasure to go up on occasion – on one of the MASA stages to commune with the public. To say that MASA puts women in the spotlight is an understatement. It is enough to go to the Palais de la Culture de Treichville, the French Institute, the Goethe Institute, Yelam’s, the Maison de la Parole, to realize and convince oneself.

M’Bah Aboubakar

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