Ms Aline Gisèle PANA, Minister of Arts, Tourism, Culture and Francophonie of the Central African Republic, visited the premises of the network Arterial Network housed at the headquarters of the Market of the Arts of the African Spectacle of Abidjan (MASA) located in Abidjan-Plateau on Monday, 24 July 2017, as part of the 8th Games of La Francophonie.
This visit is part of advocacy efforts with authorities and partners. For the Minister, « the adoption of a cultural policy and its implementation is important in our countries. As well as the Statute of the artists and the laws relating to the Rights of authors and neighboring rights « .
Right now the Central African Republic is working on a draft law on cultural policy.
It should be noted that the Central African Minister of Arts, Tourism, Culture and Francophonie, after these exchanges, paid a courtesy visit to the Director General of MASA, Professor Yacouba Konaté.