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Training at MASA: strong mobilization of Ivorian artists – Abidjan Market for Performing Arts
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Training at MASA: strong mobilization of Ivorian artists

Ivorian artists are interested in the African Market of Performing Arts (MASA). This was demonstrated on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 September 2023 at a training workshop on how to put together an artistic dossier, held at the house of MASA on the Plateau. Over two days, they were given the keys to responding favorably to the current call for applications for the selection of artists and artistic groups to take part in the 13th edition of MASA, scheduled for April 13-20, 2024.

Highly-anticipated at these sessions, artist-musicians or their representatives (managers or producers) turned out in large numbers this Wednesday afternoon at the headquarters of the cultural institution. To make the training effective, they were split into two groups. The first group was looked after by Adama Adepoju  or « Taxi conteur », President of the national federation of theater of Ivory Coast (Fenath CI), while the second group was taught by Dr Alain Tailly, a cultural engineer.


This Wednesday, over 100 participants attended the session. According to information gathered, there were just as many the day before. The course, which was broadcast live on Facebook , was well attended, with over 1,179 people logging on on the first day. In addition to music, theater, storytelling and women’s groups were also very active, with a special session reserved for them. On the other hand, participation by dancers, street artists and puppeteers was timid. Nevertheless, the target of 200 participants, i.e. 100 per day, was comfortably exceeded.

In practical terms, the exchanges enabled creators to familiarize themselves with the new online registration platform. OUATTARA Selhami Bakary from MASA lifted all the veil and shed light on the registration process, before handing over to the trainers. The latter focused on how to put together an application in general, before turning to the specific case of MASA

Abdramane Kamaté, Managing Director of MASA, was delighted with the turnout. « Training is important to us in the sense that we want to emphasize everything that has to do with capacity building for artistic groups, operators and all those who gravitate around the performing arts ecosystem, » he described his vision. According to him, the grand mass of the performing arts is prepared several months in advance. « MASA is next April. MASA is tomorrow. To get there, we need to get together, » he insisted.

He invited his guests to make MASA their home, hence the house’s new name: House of MASA. He continued: « MASA is also an institution that goes beyond the week during which the festivities are held. We want to carry out as many activities as possible in the inter-biennial years. We’re going to continue with our training courses, and as far as possible, we’re going to support you in your creations, and in the circulation of your works ».

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