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Vincent KOALA – Abidjan Market for Performing Arts

Vincent KOALA

Directeur de Odas Africa Ouagadougou- BURKINA FASO

Born in 1964 in Koudougou, Burkina Faso, Vincent Koala graduated as a water and forest engineer from  the University of Ouagadougou in 1988. He worked for two years in rural development projects while carrying out cultural activities: helping  the production of traditional dance and music groups, north-south cultural exchanges.
In 1991, Vincent Koala created Odas Africa (Organization for the Dynamization of Arts and Entertainment in Africa) with cultural professionals from France, Spain and Burkina Faso.
Odas Africa has four fields of action:
1 ° – Artistic and event production (Cie Salia Nï Seydou, Jazz A Ouaga, Music Festival, Drums of Ganta, etc.)
2 ° – Training in management of cultural enterprises for the benefit of cultural actors in Africa.
3 ° – Realization of prospective studies or evaluation in the field of arts and culture.
4 ° – Center for resources and cultural development since 1997: place of professional accompaniment of cultural actors.
Vincent Koala has conducted various studies, notably on North-South cultural cooperation, theater festivals in Africa and has participated in helping the artists in Burkina Faso. He is a member of the International Artistic Committee of MASA