MASA FESTIVAL 2018: Call for applications to artistic groups for Storytelling, Dance, Humor, Music, Theater.
Now that the groups for the MASA IN are all known, a second chance is offered to all those who will be able to support their travel and living expenses in Côte d’Ivoire for the MASA 2018 OFF programming. Some stages will be opened in neighborhoods of Abidjan and in some cities upcountry. Are eligible for the OFF or Festival 2018 programming, the creations fulfilling the following conditions:
1. Artistic works must be less than three years old
2. For the different categories, the member of each group, including the managerial staff, must not exceed :
02 members for stand-up comedy
04 members for storytelling
08 members for contemporary dance
10 members for music
10 members for theater
15 members for traditional dance Members of each group must leave from the same city to Abidjan and return to that city. Information on the departure city must be disclosed on the application.
3. Light and transportable accessories on commercial flights are required
4. Application materials for the official selection to the MASA 2018 must include:
4.1. A letter to the Director of the MASA
4.2. A letter from one of the following officials of the country as evidence that the group is legally registered:
The Ministry of Culture or the Ministry in charge of the Administration
The Copyright Office
A Professional of Culture or a Director of a group which attended a previous edition of the MASA
4.3. A picture of the group on stage
4.4. A video of the group on stage
4.5. The list of artistic works of the last three years or a press-book
4.6. A form showing
The departure city of the members of the group
The name of each group member, date of birth and role in the group
The name for the manager of the group for music and the administrator of the group for the remaining categories
The composer, the producer, and the choreographer
4.7. A description of the performance showing:
The date of its creation;
The theme;
The approach;
A summary of the story for storytelling, stand-up comedy, dance, theater and the lyrics of the songs for music.
4.8. A technical sheet describing :
The stage dimensions
The information about lighting, sound and technical assistant
The set up and take down time of the performance stage
The weight and the size of the accessories The MASA will keep all information sent by groups and agrees not to use them for any commercial purpose. Applications must be submitted by August 31, 2017 to :
Par mail : Via e-mail, at administration@masa.ci
By post office at Direction Générale du MASA, 17 Boulevard Roume 09 BP 2877 Abidjan 09 – Côte d’Ivoire The list of the selected groups will be available at the end of October 2017. An example of the call for candidates is available on the Website.
The opportunity is offered to groups that have not been selected in the official selection to perform at MASA Festival. All the costs associated with travel to Côte d’Ivoire and other expenses will be fully paid by the groups. Performance stages for Masa Festival participants will be available in different districts of Abidjan and in some cities of Côte d’Ivoire.
The application materials to submit for MASA Festival are the same as those for the official selection. Applications must be sent to the MASA by November 30, 2017.
The list of the groups selected for the MASA Festival will be available on December 15, 2017.